Shortcake Blueberry

Something to sweeten up the garden!

Shortcake brings and eye-catching stable flower pattern which stand out at point of sale. Ideal for growing in small pots and combinations in various pot sizes making a striking display in the garden. 

Shortcake Blueberry Closeup

Benefits for growers

  • Its stable flower pattern and habit makes it a grower-friendly series
  • Ideal for small pots, however its garden performance is outstanding
  • Perfect for adding impact to mixed combinations and baskets
  • Can be produced next to the Dekko series
  • No need to pinch
Shortcake Raspberry Closeup

Benefits for consumers

  • Shortcake has an eye-catching flower pattern
  • Flowers continuously till the end of September
  • Excellent garden performance in the sun and after rain
  • Easy to care for

Shortcake Blueberry

Shortcake Blueberry

Shortcake Raspberry

Shortcake Raspberry
Shortcake POS

POS materials for Shortcake