Sales support

Sales Support

  We believe that selling beautiful plants is only part of the route to success at retail.

We believe that selling beautiful plants is only part of the route to success at retail. As you will know, an eye-catching label is an absolute ‘must’ to entice the consumer and to give them the confidence to care for the plant after purchasing.

There is, however, so much more that can be done to boost sales at retail, with vibrant and informative point-of-sale material such as banners, trolley posters, pots and posters.

Introducing consumer plant labels

  • New CONSUMER-oriented labels
  • Eye-catching, unique and uniform look and feel
  • Pictures showing close-up AND plant habit
  • Clear consumer information
  • Premium stamp for outstanding garden performers
  • Larger size than previous Syngenta labels
  • Wide assortment covering many crops

To help your pull-through sales, see the POS material  and label pages or speak with your local Area Manager who will be happy to help.


Labels sell plants and need to be eye-catching and give the consumer confidence to care for the plant after purchasing.

POS material

Attractive and eye-catching point-of-sale material can really help draw attention to your products and boost sales at retail.